Political Donations

155 donations on Jan 31, 2025 totalling $544,085.94

Donor Amount Committee
Omprem South Holland Hospitality, inc. donated $2,500.00 to Heritage Community Party
New Frontier Materials donated $1,006.00 to Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers PAC
Elect Rachel Ventura transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens for Dan Bailey
Pass 5363 LLC donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Minal
McCarthy Building Co. donated $1,051.34 to Downstate Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC
DeWitt Savings Bank donated $1,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
State Bank of Cherry donated $1,875.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Iroquois Farmers State Bank donated $2,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Nashville Savings Bank donated $1,359.86 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Farmers & Merchants State Bank of Bushnell donated $1,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
State Bank of Bement donated $3,125.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Morton Community Bank donated $5,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
American Community Bank & Trust donated $2,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
First State Bank donated $7,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Holcomb Bank donated $4,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Peoples Bank of Kankakee County donated $4,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Washington Savings Bank donated $6,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Grundy Bank donated $5,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Lakeside Bank donated $2,750.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Liberty Bank for Savings donated $6,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Belmont Bank & Trust Company donated $6,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Amalgamated Bank of Chicago donated $7,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Community Savings Bank donated $4,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Community Partners Savings Bank donated $2,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Midland States Bank donated $7,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Hoyne Savings Bank donated $4,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Republic Bank of Chicago donated $7,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Busey Bank donated $10,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Solutions Bank donated $7,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Heartland Bank and Trust Company donated $2,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Community Bank of Elmhurst donated $2,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Lisle Savings Bank donated $6,000.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Philo Exchange Bank donated $1,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
First State Bank of Campbell Hill donated $1,500.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Three Rivers Association of REALTORS® donated $2,575.00 to REALTORS® Political Action Committee
Heartland REALTOR Organization donated $4,700.00 to REALTORS® Political Action Committee
Hanson Professional Services Inc. donated $1,000.00 to The Illinois Chamber PAC
Collins Engineers Inc donated $5,000.00 to The Illinois Chamber PAC
IBEW Local 364 donated $5,000.00 to Roscoe Independents
Daniel Fitzgerald loaned $16,000.00 to Friends of Dan Fitzgerald
Brian Kaissi donated $1,001.00 to Neighbors for Hoan
Kevin Artl donated $1,000.00 to Neighbors for Hoan
Mohamad Atieh donated $2,500.00 to Neighbors for Hoan
Laborers' Local Union 264 (Members Dues) donated $2,099.48 to Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
Laborers' Local Union 1290 (Members Dues) donated $5,967.68 to Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
NCILH&WF (Member Dues) donated $1,782.71 to Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
Laborers' Local Union 32 (Member Dues) donated $6,685.76 to Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
NCILH&WF (Member Dues) donated $2,048.00 to Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
Montrose Food Mart & Deli donated $1,000.00 to Illinois Republican Party
Canfield Investments LLC donated $1,000.00 to Illinois Republican Party
Ludwig Dairy Inc donated $2,000.00 to Illinois Republican Party
Skeff Distributing Company Inc. donated $1,920.00 to Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois
Joe Gump donated $1,000.00 to Advocate for 708 Referendum
Worldwide Furniture donated $1,000.00 to Cunningham Campaign Committee
Associated Beer Distributors of IL PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Travis Weaver
Teamsters Local 705 PAC transferred $5,000.00 to Friends of Larry Dominick
Rockford Muslim PAC donated $7,500.00 to Friends of Thomas McNamara
IBEW Local 364 Political Action Fund donated $2,500.00 to Friends of Thomas McNamara
Michael Dunn donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Thomas McNamara
IBEW Illinois PAC donated $5,000.00 to Friends of Thomas McNamara
SCV Property Holdings LLC gave $1,000.00 to Friends of Tom Bennett
Peoria Fire Fighters Local 50 PAC donated $5,000.00 to Citizens for Grayeb
Vezein gave $2,000.00 to Friends of Ron Gardiner
Friends For David Guerin transferred $1,000.00 to Schiller Park First
Cery LLC donated $5,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Vernard L Alsberry Jr
Invenergy, LLC donated $4,000.00 to Manufacturers PAC (MPAC)
Brad Stephens for Mayor transferred $1,750.00 to Rosemont Voters League
Brad Stephens for State Representative transferred $1,750.00 to Rosemont Voters League
Friends of Cheri Bustos transferred $5,000.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Power Rogers LLP donated $5,000.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Illinois Trial Lawyers Assoc. Political Action Comm. transferred $5,000.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Political Fund of Illinois transferred $2,500.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
The Driscoll Firm PC donated $10,000.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Diamond Design & Construction donated $2,000.00 to Friends of Dan Brady
Rockford Muslim PAC transferred $1,500.00 to Friends of Virgil Hobson
Parveen Azam donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Ahsan Khaja
Ubaid Nawaz donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Ahsan Khaja
Santhosh Kumar donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Ahsan Khaja
Asad Rafiq donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Ahsan Khaja
Denis Pierce donated $5,000.00 to Friends of Daniel Biss
UFCW Local 881 PAC donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Daniel Biss
West Suburban Teachers Union Local No. 571 donated $1,200.00 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
California Nurses Association donated $1,103.40 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
IBEW Local #134 donated $3,607.50 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
IUOE Local 150 donated $2,023.20 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
IUOE Local 399 donated $1,410.60 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
Pipefitters Local 597 donated $1,650.00 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
Plumbers Local 130 donated $1,335.30 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
SEIU Healthcare Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Kansas donated $1,077.40 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
SEIU Local 1 donated $4,488.00 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
SEIU Local 73 donated $3,096.00 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
Teamsters Local 710 donated $1,437.00 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
Teamsters Local 727 donated $1,440.30 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
UFCW Local No. 1546 donated $2,874.00 to Chicago Federation of Labor & Industrial Union Council PAC
Peoria Fire Fighters Local 50 PAC transferred $5,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Ali
Alton Mini Mart Inc. DBA Alton Mini Mart donated $2,500.00 to Friends for David Goins
PREM DEEP INC. DBA ONE STOP SHOP donated $2,500.00 to Friends for David Goins
Barbara Blye donated $1,000.00 to Citizens For Michele Hunter
DEL SOL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC donated $5,000.00 to Cicero Residents United
Joel Kennedy Construction Corp donated inkind $3,607.00 to Donny Schmit for Mayor
Stephens Political Action Committee transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Mark Stephens
Reliance Global Logistics USA donated $1,001.00 to Friends for Nag Jaiswal
Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union donated $2,000.00 to Friends for Susana Mendoza
William Hayes donated $2,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Benny White to City Council
Juanita Hardin donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Juanita Hardin
La'Dweena Smith donated $1,000.00 to REALTORS® Political Action Committee
Wheeler Road Properties LLC donated $1,000.00 to Citizens for Jennifer Konen
Mark Goodwin donated $1,000.00 to Zdunich for Joliet
Adler Roofing & Sheet Metal Inc donated $1,000.00 to Zdunich for Joliet
IBEW Local 364 donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Kylee Miller
Chicago Land Operators Joint Labor-Managment Pac donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Kylee Miller
Gary Buettner donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Kylee Miller
Robert Miller donated $5,000.00 to Friends of Kylee Miller
Laborer's International Union of North America Local #32 donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Kylee Miller
Tom O'Rourke donated $1,000.00 to Common Sense McLean County LLC PAC
Cornerstone CU donated $3,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
DuPage CU donated $15,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Select Employees CU donated $2,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Cooperative Choice Network CU donated $5,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Earthmover CU donated $2,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Members First Community CU donated $2,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
NuMark CU donated $10,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Midwest Coalition of Labor CU donated $2,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Landmark CU donated $2,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Heartland CU donated $5,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Gas amp; Electric CU donated $5,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
First Northern CU donated $5,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Abbott Laboratories ECU donated $5,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
IH Mississippi Valley CU donated $15,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Streator Onized CU donated $2,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
CEFCU donated $15,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Midwest Members CU donated $5,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
SIU CU donated $2,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Community Trust Credit Union (do not use CU abbreviation) donated $2,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Galesburg Burlington CU donated $1,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Great Lakes Credit Union donated $5,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Abri CU donated $3,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Illinois Educators CU donated $1,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Moline Municipal Credit Union donated $1,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
1st MidAmerica CU donated $10,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Financial Plus CU donated $15,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Scott CU donated $15,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
SIUE CU donated $1,500.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
Gale Credit Union donated $1,250.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
U of I Community CU donated $5,000.00 to Credit Union Political Action Council (CUPAC) IL
AGC of Illinois PAC transferred $2,000.00 to Citizens for Mike Coffey
BMO Harris Bank gave $3,918.71 to Friends of John Curran
CITIZENS FOR LIGHTFORD gave $1,000.00 to UFCW Local 881 PAC
McBride's Aurora Inc donated $1,000.00 to GO 4 Aurora
Liam Krehbiel donated $5,000.00 to New Day Bill Conway
Schaumburg Township Republican Org transferred $4,201.00 to Friends of the Schaumburg Township Team
Adam Finlayson donated $2,500.00 to Kristian "Krissie" Harris for 2nd Ward
IAFF FIREPAC EXCHANGE transferred $5,533.96 to Peoria Firefighters Local 50 PAC
IAFF FIREPAC EXCHANGE transferred $1,384.74 to Peoria Firefighters Local 50 PAC
Plumbers & Pipefitters LU #25 State County & Local Area PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Neighbors for Dylan Parker