Political Donations

123 donations on Feb 03, 2025 totalling $322,767.36

Donor Amount Committee
Donald R Houdek donated $1,000.00 to Westchester Progress Party
Chicago Dental Society donated $15,000.00 to Dent-IL-PAC, the Political Action Comm of the IL State Dental Society
PNC Bank gave $1,165.67 to Dent-IL-PAC, the Political Action Comm of the IL State Dental Society
Friends of Kam Buckner transferred $3,000.00 to Friends of Nicholas Smith
Illinois Restaurant Association donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Nicholas Smith
Novo Nordisk Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Nicholas Smith
IUOE LOCAL 965 (Dues) donated $3,030.00 to Operating Engineers' Local 965 Political Education Committee
Ice Miller LLP transferred $2,500.00 to Ice Miller Illinois Political Action Committee
Unlock Technologies, Inc. donated $2,500.00 to Friends of Bill Cunningham
TransCanada USA Services, Inc. PAC transferred $2,000.00 to Friends of Bill Cunningham
Cornerstone Government Affairs, Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Bill Cunningham
Lahood for Congress transferred $1,000.00 to Friends to Elect Jerry Simmons
Illinois Restaurateurs PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens for Cassidy
Illinois Trial Lawyers Association PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens for Cassidy
Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 265 transferred $1,300.00 to Kane County Democratic Central Cmte
Chicago Journeymen Plumbers' L.U. 130 U.A Political Fund transferred $1,300.00 to Kane County Democratic Central Cmte
Elgin Association of Firefighters PAC transferred $1,300.00 to Kane County Democratic Central Cmte
Cerniglia Co. donated $1,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Ronald M Serpico Sr. Inc
Michael Noland donated $1,350.00 to Kane County Democratic Central Cmte
Friends for Anna Moeller transferred $1,565.00 to Kane County Democratic Central Cmte
Aurora Township Democratic Central Committee transferred $1,300.00 to Kane County Democratic Central Cmte
Painters District Council # 30 transferred $2,600.00 to Kane County Democratic Central Cmte
Jennifer Wondrasek donated $5,000.00 to Barrington Forward Committee to Elect
Committee to Elect Jay Hoffman donated inkind $2,142.50 to Friends for Katie Stuart
Don Tracy donated $5,000.00 to Citizen Farmers Combine PAC
David Kavanagh donated $5,000.00 to Citizen Farmers Combine PAC
Domain Corporation donated $1,000.00 to Irvin for Aurora
Larry's Plumbing Co Inc donated $1,000.00 to Friends for David B Guerin
Paris Stirrat donated $1,000.00 to Republican Organization of Orland Township
SEIU LOCAL 73 donated $3,000.00 to Friends for Nathaniel George Booker
Chicago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council PAC donated $2,500.00 to Local 126 Non-partisan Sponsor Comm
Michael Cassidy donated $1,000.00 to Friends for Eva Dina Delgado
Carpentry Advancement Political Action Committee Fund transferred $1,000.00 to Friends for Eva Dina Delgado
Iron Workers Local 63 transferred $1,500.00 to Stephens Political Action Committee NFP
WIPFLI LLP donated $1,250.00 to Underground Contractors Assn PAC
I.B.E.W. LOCAL #134-State and Municipal PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Mathew Oclon
Friends of Sally Turner gave $1,000.00 to DeWitte for Illinois Senate
ET Retail Inc donated $1,000.00 to 28th Ward Democratic Organization
INCS ACTION PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Willie Preston
THE ROOSEVELT GROUP donated $1,500.00 to Friends of Willie Preston
Slant Innovations LLC donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Willie Preston
Steven J Guerra donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Willie Preston
Friends of Nicholas Smith transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Willie Preston
Gerald Tarka donated $1,000.00 to Calumet City Democrats United
Deanne Jaffrey donated $1,000.00 to Calumet City Democrats United
Calumet City Plumbing donated $1,000.00 to Calumet City Democrats United
Realtor Political Action Committee transferred $1,500.00 to Citizens for Jonathan Nunez
Knight Hawk Coal, LLC donated $5,000.00 to Friends for Larry Walsh Jr
Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge 7 donated $2,500.00 to Friends for Larry Walsh Jr
AGC of Illinois PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends for Larry Walsh Jr
Jay Hoffman Democrat For State Representative donated inkind $2,142.50 to Friends for Larry Walsh Jr
Maureen McInerney donated $14,600.00 to Gun Violence Prevention PAC
James William McInerney donated $14,600.00 to Gun Violence Prevention PAC
Working Families PAC NWIBCTC donated $2,500.00 to Roscoe Independents
Deborah Prodehl donated $1,400.00 to REALTORS® Political Action Committee
Chris Read donated $1,900.00 to REALTORS® Political Action Committee
KarKorner donated $2,500.00 to RE-ELECT Jodi Miller
TODD WEEGENS donated $1,000.00 to RE-ELECT Jodi Miller
Air Check Heating & Cooling donated $1,000.00 to United Home Owners/Good Gov't Party
Frank Novotny & Assoc. donated $1,000.00 to United Home Owners/Good Gov't Party
Mid-America Carpenters Regional Cncl. donated $1,000.00 to United Home Owners/Good Gov't Party
Internt'l Brotherhood of Elect. Wrkrs. #134 donated $2,500.00 to United Home Owners/Good Gov't Party
Evergreen Social donated $1,000.00 to United Home Owners/Good Gov't Party
Friends of Bill Cunningham donated $1,000.00 to United Home Owners/Good Gov't Party
RNC Logistics donated $1,000.00 to United Home Owners/Good Gov't Party
Chicago and Cook County Bldg & Const Cnl donated $1,000.00 to United Home Owners/Good Gov't Party
Shailendra Singh donated $3,000.00 to Cicero Residents United
Manuel Torres donated $1,000.00 to Cicero Residents United
Elect Norma Hernandez transferred $2,500.00 to Democratic Candidates for Addison Township
OAK LAWN FIRST PARTY PAC transferred $5,000.00 to Friends of Alex Olejniczak
Friends for Frank DeSimone transferred $25,000.00 to Building Bensenville Stronger
Ayers Electric Inc donated $5,000.00 to Liberty Street PAC
D Construction Inc. donated $5,000.00 to Liberty Street PAC
Melanie Ipema donated $2,500.00 to Liberty Street PAC
Hani Abdallah donated $1,000.00 to All United
Illinois Trial Lawyers Association - Political Action Committee transferred $1,000.00 to Neighbors for Hoan
NRG Energy, Inc. donated $2,000.00 to William Davis for State Representative
Friends for Marty Moylan for State Representative donated inkind $15,000.00 to Azi for Skokie
Superior Air-Ground Ambulance Service donated inkind $5,571.69 to Friends of John Curran
Common Sense McLean County transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Kathleen Lorenz
Sara Davis donated $2,500.00 to Personal PAC Inc
Richard Uihlein transferred $14,100.00 to Schaumburg Township Republican Organization (STRO)
Illinois Bankers Association SPI donated inkind $2,250.00 to Illinois Bankers' PAC
Illinois Insurance Political Committee transferred $5,000.00 to Jones for State Representative
Ujamaa Contruction Inc donated $1,500.00 to Jones for State Representative
Calumet City Auto Wreckers donated $2,000.00 to Jones for State Representative
GLG Leasing Company Inc donated $1,500.00 to Jones for State Representative
Calumet City Plumbing donated $1,000.00 to Jones for State Representative
Paul O'Grady donated $1,000.00 to Jones for State Representative
Sibley Gas & Mini Mart Inc donated $1,000.00 to Jones for State Representative
Peter Kotsiovos donated $1,000.00 to Jones for State Representative
Jean Kotsiovos donated $2,000.00 to Jones for State Representative
City Food Market Inc donated $1,000.00 to Jones for State Representative
Michaelson & Messinger Insurance Specialists donated $5,000.00 to Jones for State Representative
Kenneth Chastain donated $1,500.00 to Jones for State Representative
Cassandra Holbert donated $6,500.00 to Jones for State Representative
Tula Kotsiovos donated $2,000.00 to Jones for State Representative
Castaway Recreation, LLC donated $3,500.00 to Jones for State Representative
DLA Architects donated $5,000.00 to Citizens for District 28 Bond Referendum Campaign
Contractors Material Inc donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Jim Tinaglia
M & J Underground Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Terry L Matthews
First Metropolitan Builders of America, Inc donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Terry L Matthews
R & E Pallets Service of IL Inc donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Terry L Matthews
BL Management One, LLC donated $1,900.00 to Friends of Terry L Matthews
Ned Mahic donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Terry L Matthews
Montana & Welch, LLC donated $1,500.00 to Friends of Terry L Matthews
BNB Enterprise Inc donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Terry L Matthews
RB Vending Investments LLC donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Terry L Matthews
Ronald J. Diederich, Sr. donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Terry L Matthews
Robert Casey donated $2,000.00 to Eileen O'Neill Burke for State's Attorney
American Express Company donated $1,000.00 to Community For Dee
Revenue Based Finance Coalition Inc donated $1,000.00 to Community For Dee
ABBVIE PAC donated $1,000.00 to Community For Dee
Bridge Structural and Reinforcing Ironworkers Union Local #1 donated $1,000.00 to Community For Dee
Beam Legal Team, LLC donated $5,000.00 to Illinois Trial Lawyers Assn PAC
Jonathan Aaron donated $2,500.00 to McCombie for Illinois
Vern Latwesen donated $2,500.00 to McCombie for Illinois
Barkau Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram donated $2,000.00 to McCombie for Illinois
Michael Thoms donated $2,500.00 to McCombie for Illinois
Community Solar Action Fund transferred $2,000.00 to McCombie for Illinois
Austin Tyler Construction INC. donated $1,000.00 to Glenda Wright-McCullum Campaign Committee
PETER Andriopoulos donated $3,000.00 to Friends for Ted Mesiacos
Arianas OBT Corp. donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Paul Esposito