Political Donations

16 donations on Feb 02, 2025 totalling $31,575.00

Donor Amount Committee
OM Gayatri Inc donated $2,000.00 to Schiller Park First
ARRP Trucking & Hauling INC donated $1,050.00 to Schiller Park First
Top Quality Hardwood Flooring, LLC donated $1,000.00 to Schiller Park First
Ironworkers Local 498 PAC Fund transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens for Dawn Granath
Ryan Kubacki donated $2,500.00 to Citizens to Elect Benny White to City Council
Kathryn Conway donated $1,000.00 to Personal PAC Inc
CITIZENS FOR SETH LEWIS transferred $5,000.00 to Neighbors for Wayne Township
Shannon Hunt-Scott donated $2,500.00 to Farm Team PAC
Prudence R. Beidler donated $1,500.00 to Farm Team PAC
Jennifer DiBrienza donated $5,000.00 to Farm Team PAC
Michael Cassidy donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Ronnie Mosley
Joseph Beatty donated $1,000.00 to Jeff B for Mayor
Janet Blandic donated $1,000.00 to Jeff B for Mayor
Nostimo LLC donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Jim Tinaglia
Quick Ink Printing donated inkind $2,025.00 to Rebuild Renew Revive Party
Leo Smith donated $3,000.00 to Friends of LaPointe