Political Donations

89 donations on Feb 27, 2025 totalling $245,698.60

Donor Amount Committee
James Muccianti donated $1,000.00 to United Addison
AFSCME Illinois Political Account (membership dues) transferred $12,000.00 to AFSCME Illinois Council 31 PAC
Joe Rizza Ford donated $2,500.00 to People Over Politics
Steve & Dana Kinion donated $1,250.00 to Sangamon County Republican Foundation
Hanson Professional Services Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Sangamon County Republican Foundation
Corboy & Demetrio, PC donated $27,400.00 to Illinois Trial Lawyers Assn PAC
Elise Waisbren Schatz donated $1,500.00 to Illinois Trial Lawyers Assn PAC
Illinois Restaurant Assoc donated $6,850.00 to Illinois Restauranteurs PAC
Jeffrey and Joy Markee donated $5,000.00 to Citizen Farmers Combine PAC
Peter Mavrogenes donated $5,000.00 to Citizen Farmers Combine PAC
I.U.O.E. Local 649 PAC transferred $1,500.00 to Knox County Democratic Central Committee
IBEW Local Union 146 (Dues Check-off) donated $2,217.00 to International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers PAC
Laborers' Local Union 264 (Members Dues) donated $4,471.70 to Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
Laborers' Local Union 1290 (Members Dues) donated $5,705.85 to Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
NCILH&WF (Member Dues) donated $1,031.91 to Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
Laborers' Local Union 32 (Member Dues) donated $2,411.18 to Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
Laborers' Local Union 32 (Member Dues) donated $2,525.59 to Illinois Laborers' Legislative Committee
Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends for Donna Miller
Chicago Land OperatorsJoint Labor-Management PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends for Donna Miller
Chicago Acceptance ,LLC donated $5,000.00 to Friends of Keith Turner
One Earth Sequestration LLC donated $1,500.00 to McLean County Chamber of Commerce PAC
Milton Township Republican Central Committee transferred $5,000.00 to Republicans for Milton Township
Citizens for Dan Milinko transferred $2,500.00 to Republicans for Milton Township
Alta Construction Equipment IL,LLC donated $1,500.00 to Underground Contractors Assn PAC
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 99 PAC Fund transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Kathleen Lorenz
Flag City, Inc donated $1,000.00 to Citizens for Scott Levin
Sam Shaffer donated $1,000.00 to REALTORS® Political Action Committee
I.U.O.E Local 649 PAC donated $1,000.00 to Peter Schwartzman for Mayor
Harmon, Friends of Don transferred $5,000.00 to Personal PAC Inc
Arch Venture Corporation donated $4,000.00 to IVCA - PAC
Keith Crandell donated $2,500.00 to IVCA - PAC
John Yeager donated $1,000.00 to IVCA - PAC
Friends for Mary S. Alexander-Basta transferred $2,500.00 to Citizens for Zack
RJ DOrazio donated $5,000.00 to Hart for Hinsdale
James Nagle donated $5,000.00 to Advancing Oak Brook
Friends of Dan Swanson transferred $10,000.00 to House Republican Organization
Adam Shores for Illinois transferred $2,122.83 to House Republican Organization
Citizens for Hammond transferred $2,500.00 to Women's Leadership Coalition PAC
RiverStone Group Inc. donated $2,500.00 to McCombie for Illinois
Plumbers & Pipefitters UA Local 23 PAC transferred $1,000.00 to McCombie for Illinois
Brainy Boulevard Daycare Center donated $1,000.00 to Charles for Skokie
Smoke Depot donated $1,000.00 to Charles for Skokie
Bruce Lehman donated $2,000.00 to Friends for Vicki Scaman
Union Bar & Grill donated $1,500.00 to One Tinley Park
Stephens Political Action Committee transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Rodney S Craig for Village President
BILL FOSTER FOR CONGRESS transferred $5,000.00 to Friends for Ted Mesiacos
I.U.O.E Local 399 Political Education Fund donated $2,500.00 to Friends for Ted Mesiacos
Prairie Political Action Committee donated $2,500.00 to Friends for Ted Mesiacos
holly Smith donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Daniel Biss
Friends of Dave Koehler transferred $5,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Ali
LIUNA Chicago Laborers District Council PAC gave $2,000.00 to Democratic Party of Milton Twp
Carol Jones donated $3,300.00 to Friends of Stephen Hackney
Roofers & Waterproofers Local 11 PAC transferred $1,000.00 to New Lenox Township Democratic Organization
Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates, LTD donated $1,600.00 to New Lenox Township Democratic Organization
Friends of Tracy Katz Muhl transferred $1,000.00 to Democrats of Northfield Township
The Law Offices of Theodore London & Associates donated $1,500.00 to Friends of William Hall
Suheir Baraket-Williams donated $1,000.00 to Friends of William Hall
Larry Huggins donated $1,000.00 to Friends of William Hall
TBI Contractors Inc donated $1,000.00 to Friends of William Hall
MKY Property LLC donated $2,500.00 to Friends of William Hall
My Home Nurses LLC donated $1,000.00 to Friends of William Hall
Morris Eng donated $1,000.00 to Committee to Elect Bob Straz
William O'Reilly donated $5,000.00 to Committee to Elect Bob Straz
East Side Machine Shop donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Peter Chico for Alderman
Ibuilders Corporation donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Peter Chico for Alderman
Reflection Windows donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Peter Chico for Alderman
548 Capital donated $1,500.00 to Friends of Peter Chico for Alderman
A.L.L. Masonry Construction Company., Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Peter Chico for Alderman
Talman Consultants LLC donated $1,500.00 to Friends of Peter Chico for Alderman
Reem Odeh donated inkind $2,200.00 to ORLAND TOWNSHIP TOGETHER
Steve Backlund donated $1,000.00 to Community BANCPAC
Advocus National Title Insurance Company donated $1,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
AFSCME Illinois Council No. 31 donated $10,000.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois PAC donated $2,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Guy Chipparoni donated $1,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Thaddeus Grzywacz donated $1,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Hyde Park Station and Car Wash, Inc. donated $2,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Legacy Property Group, LLC donated $3,000.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Midway Business Group LLC donated $1,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
MLS Public Strategies, LLC donated $1,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
PNS Management LLC donated $5,000.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Pratima Shah donated $2,000.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Friends of Cheri Bustos transferred $1,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
La Ciudad de los Vientos PAC transferred $1,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Yusuf Salah donated $1,000.00 to Rashid for Illinois
Brian Kasa; donated $2,602.54 to Voters for Sean M Morrison
Vicki May donated $1,010.00 to Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance PAC
Frank Ward donated $1,000.00 to Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance PAC
Robert Romano donated $1,000.00 to Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance PAC