Political Donations

130 donations on Feb 24, 2025 totalling $551,332.95

Donor Amount Committee
DNA Strategies donated $2,500.00 to Irvin for Aurora
Will Grundy Industry Advancement Trust donated $10,000.00 to Contractors Association of Will & Grundy Counties PAC
Mattie Hunter donated $1,000.00 to Democrats of Bloom Township
Aqua Illinois Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Democrats of Bloom Township
Krieter Concete Construction donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Barrett F Pedersen
Bellwood Electric Motors, Inc. donated $1,950.00 to Friends of Barrett F Pedersen
ALFD, Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Barrett F Pedersen
Smith LaSalle Inc. donated $1,950.00 to Friends of Barrett F Pedersen
Montana & Welch, LLC donated $1,950.00 to Friends of Barrett F Pedersen
Franklin Park Plumbing donated $1,380.00 to Friends of Barrett F Pedersen
Elaine Nekritz Revocable Trust donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Shiva
James G. MacKenzie donated $1,000.00 to Illinois State Medical Society PAC
Fox Valley Building & Construction Trades Council donated $1,397.00 to Fox Valley Building Trades Political Action Committtee
Ahmad Sulaiman donated $2,500.00 to All United
Friends of Laura Fine transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Shiva
Midstate Manufacturing Co. gave $2,000.00 to Knox County Republican Central Comm
International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 AFL-CIO transferred $1,386.00 to Intl Union of Operating Eng Local 150 State County & Local Area PAC
Kendall PAC transferred $2,000.00 to Friends of Dan Brady
Common Sense McLean County transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Dan Brady
Realtor Political Action Committee donated $1,000.00 to Friends for Vicki Scaman
Ronald Orzel donated $1,000.00 to Friends for Vicki Scaman
Malik Ali donated $5,000.00 to Orland Park for All
Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council transferred $1,500.00 to Orland Park for All
Suburban Behavioral Health Inc donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Ahsan Khaja
Anthony Williams donated $3,000.00 to Citizens for Michael A Corrigan
Citizens for Ronald M. Serpico, Sr. transferred $1,250.00 to Citizens for Michael A Corrigan
FRIENDS FOR DAVID B GUERIN transferred $1,500.00 to Citizens for Michael A Corrigan
STEPHENS PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens for Michael A Corrigan
Bellwood First Committee transferred $2,000.00 to Citizens for Michael A Corrigan
GAY F CHASE donated $1,550.00 to Citizens for Michael A Corrigan
Pan American Bank donated $2,000.00 to Citizens for Michael A Corrigan
Round Ground Metals donated $1,000.00 to Friends for John T Dabrowski
Anthony Pontarelli donated $1,100.00 to Friends for John T Dabrowski
Richard Jurczyk donated $1,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Karsten Pawlik
Chicago Land Operators Joint Labor-Mgt PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends for Lori Werden
Forreston Mutual Insurance Company donated $1,000.00 to Chesney for Illinois
Ironworkers Local 498 PAC Fund donated $1,000.00 to Stephenson County Democratic Party
Sheet Metal Workers Local 219 donated $2,500.00 to Stephenson County Democratic Party
Casten for Congress transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens for York Township
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 99 transferred $1,000.00 to Kearns for Ward 1
Sprinfield Central Illinois Trades and Labor Council transferred $5,000.00 to Springfield & Central IL Trades & Labor Council AFL-CIO
LIUNA AFLCIO Local 362 transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Abby Scott
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 99 transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Abby Scott
Centurion Investigations and Security donated $5,000.00 to Seventeenth Ward Democratic Organization
MORE PAC transferred $5,000.00 to Friends of Dave Carlin
DeWitte for IL Senate transferred $2,590.67 to Illinois Republican Party
Fred Eychaner donated $5,000.00 to Farm Team PAC
Timothy Agra donated $1,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Ed Small donated $2,500.00 to Preckwinkle for President
Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Tom Suffredin
Michael Ward donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Tom Suffredin
REALTOR PAC donated inkind $5,715.83 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Donald Moffitt donated inkind $1,000.00 to Knox County Republican Central Comm
Catherine Adduci donated $1,000.00 to Italian-American Political Coalition
Dan Grammatis donated $5,000.00 to Italian-American Political Coalition
Melrose Park Sports & Family Benefit Fund donated $1,250.00 to Italian-American Political Coalition
Citizens to Elect Ronald M. Serpico, Sr. donated $1,250.00 to Italian-American Political Coalition
Jimmy's Sandwich Shop donated $1,000.00 to Italian-American Political Coalition
Village of Melrose Park donated $1,250.00 to Italian-American Political Coalition
Village of Melrose Park donated $1,000.00 to Italian-American Political Coalition
D & P Construction Co., Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Italian-American Political Coalition
Pan Am Bank donated $2,750.00 to Italian-American Political Coalition
Chicago Teachers Union, IFT Local 1 donated $94,948.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Belleville Fed. of Teachers, IFT Local 434, dues donated $3,395.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Lake County Fed. of Teachers, IFT Local 504, dues donated $19,337.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Harlem Fed. of Teachers, IFT Local 540, dues donated $3,017.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
West Suburban Teachers Union, IFT Local 571, dues donated $37,527.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
AFT Local 604, dues donated $37,982.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Granite City Fed. of Teachers, IFT Local 743, dues donated $1,344.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Peoria Fed. of Teachers, IFT Local 780, dues donated $3,356.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Quincy Fed. of Teachers., IFT Local 809, dues donated $1,858.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Southwest Suburban Teachers Union, Local 943, dues donated $22,298.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Northwest Suburban Teachers Union, Local 1211, dues donated $8,652.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
E. St. Louis Fed. of Teachers, IFT Local 1220, dues donated $2,117.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Cahokia Fed. of Teachers, Local 1272, dues donated $1,204.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
North Suburban Teachers Union, IFT Local 1274, dues donated $14,630.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Cook Co. College Teachers Union, #1600, dues donated $27,443.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
McHenry Fed. of Teachers, IFT Local 1642, dues donated $3,174.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Champaign Fed. of Teachers, IFT Local 1925, dues donated $2,915.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
University of Chicago Lab School, IFT Local 2063, dues donated $1,554.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
College of Lake County, IFT Local 2394, dues donated $1,610.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Blue Ridge Fed. of Teachers, IFT Local 3350, dues donated $1,179.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Elgin Comm'ty Coll. Faculty, IFT Local 3791, dues donated $1,088.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
University Prof. of Ill., Local 4100, dues donated $12,355.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Decatur #61 Fed. of Teacher Asst., IFT Local 4324, dues donated $1,757.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
DeKalb UD #428 Teachers, IFT Local 4328, dues donated $3,360.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Illinois Fed. of Public Empl., IFT Local 4408, dues donated $3,780.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
UIC GEO, IFT Local 6297, dues donated $4,042.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Graduate Employees' Org., IFT Local 6300, dues donated $3,692.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
UIC United Faculty, IFT Local 6456, dues donated $6,468.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Non-Tenure Faculty Coalition, Local 6546, dues donated $2,663.50 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
SWIFT, IFT Local 6600, dues donated $2,513.00 to Illinois Federation of Teachers COPE
Frank Vala donated $7,300.00 to Citizens for Goleman
Costa's Cucina donated $1,000.00 to Zdunich for Joliet
Singh & Associates, Inc. donated $2,500.00 to American Council of Engineering Companies of IL PAC
Sullivan & Johnson Ltd donated $1,400.00 to Rosemont Voters League
Delta Heating-Air donated $1,500.00 to Rosemont Voters League
Citizens for Steve Landek transferred $9,000.00 to Democratic Organization of Lyons Township
Jonathan Reynolds donated $1,200.00 to Geneva Township Republican Central Committee
3D Bread Bakers LLC donated $2,500.00 to Carlos for Chicago
Saia Ltl Freight donated $1,500.00 to Rosemont Voters League
Realtor Political Action Committee transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens for Julia Warchol-Black
James Vernier donated $2,000.00 to Citizens for Julia Warchol-Black
Archview Developers LLC donated $2,000.00 to Citizens for Julia Warchol-Black
Lucas Atwood donated $1,200.00 to Champaign County Republican Central Cmte
Shailendra Singh donated $3,000.00 to Cicero Residents United
Nubia Duarte donated $1,000.00 to Cicero Residents United
Cristina Beran donated $1,000.00 to Cicero Residents United
Lucero Del Carmen Rodriguez donated $4,000.00 to Cicero Residents United
Mark Weglarz donated $1,000.00 to Greater Homewood Party
Jon Weglarz donated $1,000.00 to Greater Homewood Party
Michael W. Welge Investment Account donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Chris Koeneman
Kim Koeneman Knight donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Chris Koeneman
Business PAC of Central Illinois donated $2,500.00 to Friends of Messmore
John Wieland donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Messmore
Friends of Travis Weaver donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Messmore
Kathleen & Joe Lorenz donated $3,200.00 to Friends of Kathleen Lorenz
Mclean County Chamber PAC transferred $3,500.00 to Friends of Kathleen Lorenz
Anthony Gambino donated $1,500.00 to Citizens for Scott Levin
Lori Andrus donated $2,500.00 to Friends of Brandon Johnson
Burton LeBlanc donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Brandon Johnson
Larry R. Rogers donated $5,000.00 to Friends of Brandon Johnson
Elizabeth Romanucci donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Brandon Johnson
Jeffrey Singer donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Brandon Johnson
Stefanie Stein donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Brandon Johnson
Jack Kramer donated $1,548.95 to Friends of Matt Martin
Amazon Services LLC donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Christopher Belt
CSX Transportation Inc State Campaign transferred $3,000.00 to Friends of Stephanie Coleman
Don Gelfund donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Mark Collins
John Pritchard loaned $20,000.00 to John Pritchard for Mayor