Political Donations

127 donations on Feb 21, 2025 totalling $438,892.68

Donor Amount Committee
Comcast donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Nicole Lee
Jim Bertucci loaned $4,000.00 to Friends for Jim Bertucci
Hoffman Feingold Agency LLC donated $1,000.00 to Committee to Elect Mark Kern
Becker, Hoerner & Ysursa, P.C. donated $2,500.00 to Committee to Elect Mark Kern
Gateway Acquisitions, Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Committee to Elect Mark Kern
Ken A. Easterley donated $1,000.00 to Committee to Elect Mark Kern
Daniel Harrison donated $1,500.00 to Friends of John Kelly
Friends of Travis Weaver donated $4,000.00 to Friends of John Kelly
Richard DuBroff donated $1,000.00 to McLean County Republican Central Comm
Holsten Real Estate Development & Management donated $2,000.00 to Citizens for Lawrence Jackson
SMJ Towing Inc donated $1,500.00 to Citizens for Lawrence Jackson
Cook County Boardup Inc donated $1,500.00 to Citizens for Lawrence Jackson
Speedy Mart Inc donated $1,200.00 to Citizens for Lawrence Jackson
UAB Investments donated $1,000.00 to Citizens for Lawrence Jackson
Expert Transport Repair donated $1,000.00 to Citizens for Lawrence Jackson
John Kasperek Co, Inc donated $1,000.00 to Citizens for Lawrence Jackson
Friends of the Heartland Inc. transferred $10,018.95 to Middle Class Majority
IBEW Local Union 9 (Dues Check-off) donated $24,446.25 to International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers PAC
IBEW Local Union 601 (Dues Check-off) donated $1,200.00 to International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers PAC
C&S Recycling, Inc donated $2,000.00 to Citizens for Lawrence Jackson
I.U.O.E. Local 150 Local Area Political Action Committee donated $1,000.00 to Local 126 Non-partisan Sponsor Comm
I-ON Digital Corp donated $5,000.00 to Latino Leadership Council
MCM Advisors LLC donated $2,000.00 to Latino Leadership Council
Chicago Latino Public Affairs Committee donated $2,500.00 to Latino Leadership Council
Chicago Latino Public Affairs Committee donated $2,500.00 to Latino Leadership Council
Chicago Latino Public Affairs Committee donated $1,000.00 to Latino Leadership Council
Cuban American Chamber of Commerce donated $1,000.00 to Latino Leadership Council
Quick Supply Company donated $1,500.00 to Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers PAC
Bluff City Materials donated $1,000.00 to Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers PAC
TCI Manufacturing & Equipment Sales, Inc. donated $1,500.00 to Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers PAC
Beverly Materials LLC donated $3,000.00 to Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers PAC
Holcim donated $3,000.00 to Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers PAC
Brownfield Environmental Engineers donated $1,000.00 to Illinois Association of Aggregate Producers PAC
Ruben Pazmino loaned $5,000.00 to Friends for Ruben
Latino Leadership Council, Public Affairs Committee donated $4,000.00 to Cicero Residents United
Latino Leadership Council, Public Affairs Committee donated $6,000.00 to Cicero Residents United
Apex General Contracting donated $1,000.00 to Roscoe Independents
Sheet Metal Workers Local 219 donated $2,500.00 to Roscoe Independents
Peter Crist donated $1,041.98 to Hart for Hinsdale
Chicago Land Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Stacy Mallicoat
Ameren Illinois donated $4,000.00 to Ellman for IL Senate D21
Novartis donated $1,000.00 to Ellman for IL Senate D21
DeVry University donated $1,000.00 to Ellman for IL Senate D21
Amazon.com Services, LLC donated $1,000.00 to Ellman for IL Senate D21
Ibrahim Alehmoud donated $1,000.00 to Jim Dodge for Mayor
Painters District Council #14 donated $1,000.00 to Citizens for Brady Chalmers
John Lawler for Trustee transferred $1,500.00 to Orland Park for All
Hani Abdallah donated $1,000.00 to Orland Park for All
Khaled Alzoubi donated $1,000.00 to Orland Park for All
Mohammed &Nada Abdallah donated $3,000.00 to Orland Park for All
Ahmad Suiaiman donated $2,500.00 to Orland Park for All
Ahmad Elkhatib donated $1,000.00 to Orland Park for All
GEORGE SALERNO donated $2,500.00 to Friends for John T Dabrowski
Local 571 Cope Fund West Suburban Teachers Union donated $12,500.00 to 209 United
Chuy Garcia for Congress transferred $2,500.00 to Friends of Theresa Mah
Calvin For Committeeman transferred $1,000.00 to Cook County Democratic Party
Rich Township Democrats transferred $1,000.00 to Cook County Democratic Party
Houlihan Campaign Fund transferred $1,000.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Friends of Raja for Congress transferred $5,000.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois PAC transferred $2,500.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Effectv gave $5,040.50 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Carpentry Advancement Political Action Comm. Fund transferred $2,500.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Leo Smith donated $5,000.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Friends of Cheri Bustos transferred $5,000.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
CAR of Illinois transferred $2,500.00 to Illinois Democratic County Chairs' Assn
Lifehouse Group LLC donated $1,000.00 to For The People PAC
Friends for Anthony Pacilli transferred $20,000.00 to Your York Team.
York Township Republican Committeemen transferred $10,400.00 to Your York Team.
SWCI INC. donated $1,000.00 to Coalition for Better Government
Chicago Acceptance LLC donated $2,500.00 to Cunningham Campaign Committee
William Ebhomielen donated $1,000.00 to Northbrook Caucus of 2025 Party
Sheet Metal Workers Local 219 transferred $2,500.00 to Friends of Virgil Hobson
Teamsters Union Local No. 710 donated $1,000.00 to Cicero Voters Alliance (The Larry Dominick Team)
J Nardulli Concrete, Inc donated $2,500.00 to Cicero Voters Alliance (The Larry Dominick Team)
Cassandra Holbert donated $8,000.00 to Democrats of Thornton Township
Illinois Health Care Association gave $3,806.00 to Illinois Health Care Assn PAC
Houlihan Campaign Fund transferred $1,000.00 to Committee to Elect DeShawn Williams
Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council Political Action Committee transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Cody Hendricks
Elite RF LLC donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Rodney S Craig for Village President
O'Brien Auto Team donated $1,000.00 to Common Sense McLean County LLC PAC
LiUna Local 225 transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Melissa Neddermeyer
West Point Builders transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Melissa Neddermeyer
Chicago Land Operators Joint Labor Management PAC transferred $2,000.00 to Friends of Melissa Neddermeyer
A1 Citywide Towing transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Melissa Neddermeyer
Steak N Egger transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Melissa Neddermeyer
Ricky Rockets transferred $2,000.00 to Friends of Melissa Neddermeyer
Coach's Corner transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Melissa Neddermeyer
Nino's Italian Beef and Hot Dogs transferred $2,000.00 to Friends of Melissa Neddermeyer
Citizens For Chris Getty transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Melissa Neddermeyer
Teamsters Local 705 PAC Account transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Melissa Neddermeyer
Smart Local 265 transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens for York Township
McLean County Repulican Central Committee transferred $1,000.00 to BedekerForBloomington
McLean County Chamber of Commerce Political Action Committee transferred $1,500.00 to BedekerForBloomington
Local Roofing Co, INC donated $2,500.00 to Citizens to Elect Tim Carone
AGC of Illinois PAC transferred $2,000.00 to Joyce for Senate
Allwyn North America Inc donated $1,500.00 to Joyce for Senate
Amazon donated $1,000.00 to Joyce for Senate
Walgreens donated $1,500.00 to Joyce for Senate
Voortman USA LLC donated $3,500.00 to Joyce for Senate
Bland Bob donated $5,000.00 to Citizen Farmers Combine PAC
Chicago Beverage System donated $4,742.00 to Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois
Robert Parrish loaned $1,771.50 to Citizens to Elect Rob Parrish
Tulsi Gaonkar donated $1,035.25 to Personal PAC Inc
MOHAMMED ABDALLAH donated $2,500.00 to Seventeenth Ward Democratic Organization
GLENN CHARLES donated $1,000.00 to Seventeenth Ward Democratic Organization
COLONY FOOD AND LIQUOR donated $1,000.00 to Seventeenth Ward Democratic Organization
Rebecca Ruff donated $5,175.25 to Preckwinkle for President
Dante G & Theodora J Zorzi donated $1,000.00 to Lansing First Party
BNSF Railway Company donated $10,000.00 to Democratic Party of Illinois
CAR of Illinois transferred $15,000.00 to Democratic Party of Illinois
Realtor Political Action Committee transferred $72,800.00 to Democratic Party of Illinois
Judd Lofchie & Associates, LLC donated inkind $12,000.00 to Judd for Aurora
Jeff Lesniewicz donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Baron Leacock
Ronald Berger donated $1,000.00 to Naperville Township Republican Org
Cari B Sacks donated $7,300.00 to Friends of Bob Morgan
Michael J. Sacks donated $7,300.00 to Friends of Bob Morgan
Fraternal Order of Police Chicago Lodge 7 transferred $2,500.00 to Friends of Bob Morgan
Peters for Illinois transferred $3,115.00 to 4th Ward Democratic Org
Ben Lazare Consulting donated $1,000.00 to Friends of LaPointe
Community First Healthcare of Illinois, Inc. donated $1,500.00 to Friends of LaPointe
Illinois Psychological Association donated $1,000.00 to Friends of LaPointe
Illinois Hospital Association PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of LaPointe
Debra Dean donated $1,000.00 to Democratic Party of DuPage County
Lynne Kasson donated $1,000.00 to Democratic Party of DuPage County
Illinois Democratic County Chairman's Assn donated $1,000.00 to Democratic Party of DuPage County
LIUNA Chicago Laborers' District Council Political Action Committee donated $10,000.00 to Democratic Party of DuPage County
Sheet Metal Workers Local Union No.219 / PAC Fund donated $2,500.00 to Fighting4Freeport