Political Donations

18 donations on Feb 16, 2025 totalling $46,800.00

Donor Amount Committee
Friends of Bob Morgan transferred $1,500.00 to Vernon Township Democrats
Friends of Sharon Chung transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Cody Hendricks
Michael Kerber donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Cody Hendricks
Chicagoland Operators Joint Labor Management PAC donated $2,000.00 to Friends of Dominik Bronakowski
Martha Klems donated $1,000.00 to McDonough County Democratic Coalition
Citizens for Alderman Reilly transferred $1,000.00 to 42nd Ward Democratic Org
Rob M. Milburn donated $5,000.00 to Farm Team PAC
Amy C. Morton donated $5,000.00 to Farm Team PAC
Christina Aagesen donated $1,500.00 to Friends of Diana Alfaro
David Berkey donated $1,500.00 to Friends of LaPointe
Timothy Sheehan donated $1,500.00 to Friends of LaPointe
Jon Bruning donated $1,000.00 to Raoul for Illinois
Russell Budd donated $6,900.00 to Raoul for Illinois
James Clayborne donated $6,000.00 to Raoul for Illinois
CoinFlip donated $1,500.00 to Raoul for Illinois
Patrick Lynch Group, LLC donated $1,000.00 to Raoul for Illinois
Romanucci & Blandin, LLC donated $6,900.00 to Raoul for Illinois
Swain Wood donated $1,500.00 to Raoul for Illinois