Political Donations

87 donations on Feb 14, 2025 totalling $403,540.67

Donor Amount Committee
Ryan Devlin donated $2,000.00 to People Over Politics
Fox's Pizza donated $3,000.00 to People Over Politics
Orland Investors VI LLC donated $1,000.00 to People Over Politics
Chicagoland Operators Joint LM PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens For Louch
IBEW Local Union 702 (Dues Check-off) donated $3,823.00 to International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers PAC
Zeneca Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Gregg Johnson
Ameren Illinois Company donated $2,000.00 to Friends of Gregg Johnson
Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council Political Action Committee transferred $1,000.00 to Elk Grove Township Democrats
International Longshoreman's Association transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Peter Chico for Alderman
RESTORE CONSTRUCTION INC donated $1,000.00 to Citizens for Michael A Corrigan
Local 134 State and Municipal Pac transferred $5,000.00 to Joanna M Liotine Leafblad for Trustee
Floyd Trame donated $1,100.00 to Clinton County Republican Central Committee
Keith For Mayor Campaign transferred $10,000.00 to Republican Organization of Orland Township
Koula Demopoulos donated $1,025.00 to McHenry County GOPAC
Hurst-Rosche Engineer, Inc. donated $2,500.00 to Citizens for Curtis L McCall
Business PAC of Central Illinois donated $2,500.00 to Citizens for Alex Carmona
Downstate Operators Joint Labor Management PAC transferred $5,000.00 to Citizens for Marcus C Evans Jr
Operating Engineers Local 965 PEC transferred $2,500.00 to Citizens for Marcus C Evans Jr
Davita donated $5,000.00 to Citizens for Marcus C Evans Jr
Heidner Property Management Co. donated $2,500.00 to Citizens for Marcus C Evans Jr
Austin Tyler Construction INC. donated $1,000.00 to Glenda Wright-McCullum Campaign Committee
Terry Minor Morris donated $1,000.00 to Glenda Wright-McCullum Campaign Committee
Caryn Harris donated $6,900.00 to Friends for Fritz
John Holmes donated $2,500.00 to Friends for Fritz
Judith McCarter donated $5,000.00 to Friends for Fritz
Alfred Benesch & Company donated $2,500.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Bantry Group Corporation donated $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
John Patrick Bryan donated $2,500.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
CivilTech Engineering INC donated $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Cornerstone Government Affairs, Inc. donated $5,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
DB Sterlin Consultants, INC. donated $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Excavators, Inc. donated $5,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Gallagher Asphalt donated $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
K- Five Construction Corporation donated $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Lorig Construction Company donated $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Maintenance Coatings Co. donated $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Martam Construction Inc. donated $2,500.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Reach Grow Exceed Engineering donated $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
S&J Construction CO., INC. donated $2,500.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
S.T.A.T.E Testing, LLC donated $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Southwind Industries, Inc. donated $2,500.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Target Corporation donated $3,500.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Chicago Federation of Labor and Industrial Union Council PAC transferred $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
SEIU Illinois Council PAC Fund transferred $10,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
UA Political Action Fund transferred $200,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Adora Bicek donated $1,000.00 to Friends of John Monino
Donald Sender donated $1,000.00 to Friends of John Monino
Livingston & McLean Counties Building Trades transferred $5,000.00 to Friends of Cody Hendricks
Kathleen Spears donated $1,800.00 to Democrats of Northfield Township
Realitor Political Action Committee transferred $1,000.00 to Committee for John Kennedy 3rd Ward
815 Entertainment LLC donated $5,000.00 to Dave Syverson Campaign Committee
Walgreen Co/IL donated $1,500.00 to Dave Syverson Campaign Committee
Patrick Santoro donated $1,000.00 to Nicole for Illinois
Restore Construction Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Nicole for Illinois
Stephens PAC NFP transferred $2,500.00 to Nicole for Illinois
Fraternal Order of Police #7 transferred $2,500.00 to Nicole for Illinois
George Ferraro donated $1,000.00 to Schiller Park First
Roofers and Waterproofers Local 11 PAC donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Jim Luebke
MAO Enterprises donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Rodney S Craig for Village President
Sainath Reddivari donated $2,000.00 to Friends of Rodney S Craig for Village President
Dean White donated $5,000.00 to Jed for Freedom
Liuna Chicago Laborers' District Council Political Action Committee transferred $2,000.00 to Win 4 Winfield Township
Patricia Swisher donated $1,000.00 to McCombie for Illinois
Marc Terry donated $1,000.00 to McCombie for Illinois
Roofers & Waterproofers Local 11 PAC donated $1,000.00 to Maria For The 49th Ward
Round Ground Metals, INC. donated inkind $3,008.75 to Friends of Rodney S Craig for Village President
Realtor Political Action Committee transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens For Suzanne Ness
Gary McGrath donated $5,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Clint Hull
McGrath Honda of St. Charles donated $5,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Clint Hull
Gary W. Blascoe donated $1,250.00 to Roscoe Independents
Joan M Rothenberg donated $2,000.00 to Friends of Daniel Biss
Friends of Ram transferred $1,500.00 to Friends of Minal
Niles Grocery LLC donated $1,500.00 to Friends of Minal
Brandon Moulton donated $1,000.00 to Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance PAC
Forbel Alarms Inc donated $1,000.00 to Neighborhood Building Owners Alliance PAC
Bill Foster for Congress donated $5,000.00 to Farm Team PAC
Northwest Suburban Teachers Union donated $3,000.00 to Anne Lopez Elected Office
Sheet Metal Workers Local 219 transferred $2,500.00 to Re-elect Mayor Pietrowski
Chicago Land Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC transferred $2,000.00 to Re-elect Mayor Pietrowski
Daniel Weidenbenner donated $4,000.00 to Citizens for Julia Warchol-Black
Michael A. Alvarez donated $1,500.00 to Citizens for Alderman Reilly
Chicagos First Lady Cruises donated $1,500.00 to Citizens for Alderman Reilly
Albert M Friedman donated $1,552.75 to Citizens for Alderman Reilly
Grace Fuller donated $1,500.00 to Citizens for Alderman Reilly
Mid-America Real Estate donated $1,552.75 to Citizens for Alderman Reilly
Scott Weiner donated $1,500.00 to Citizens for Alderman Reilly
Northbrook Bank & Trust gave $1,028.42 to Friends of Laura Fine