Political Donations

86 donations on Jan 27, 2025 totalling $334,472.66

Donor Amount Committee
Friends of Robert Martwick transferred $1,500.00 to Friends of Monica Gordon
G3 Construction Group donated $2,500.00 to Irvin for Aurora
John Koliopoulos donated $3,000.00 to Irvin for Aurora
Aurora Firefighters' Credit Union donated $1,500.00 to Irvin for Aurora
Carmichael Construction donated $1,000.00 to Irvin for Aurora
Cicero Elite Limited Too LLC donated $1,500.00 to Citizens to Elect Vernard L Alsberry Jr
4453 South Lake Park Condominium association donated $1,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Vernard L Alsberry Jr
Sanchez Group donated $1,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Vernard L Alsberry Jr
Barnacres Corporation donated $1,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Vernard L Alsberry Jr
EVL Industries LLC donated $1,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Vernard L Alsberry Jr
26 Industrial Parking LLC donated $1,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Vernard L Alsberry Jr
Friends of Judge Bishop and Judge Stride transferred $6,112.27 to Committee to Elect Judge Christopher R Stride
Friends of Judge Bishop and Judge Stride transferred $5,612.19 to Committee to Elect Judge Christen L Bishop
Stephens Political Action Committee NFP transferred $20,000.00 to Brad Stephens for Mayor
Chicago Land Operators Joint Labor-Management PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Mary Beth Canty for Illinois
Realtor PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Mary Beth Canty for Illinois
Davita donated $1,000.00 to Mary Beth Canty for Illinois
Roofers & Waterproofers Local 11 PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Mary Beth Canty for Illinois
Point of Difference LLC donated $5,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Zeneca Inc donated $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
CHS Inc Political Action Committee A Qualified Multicandidate Committe transferred $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Community Solar Action Fund transferred $7,500.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Deloitte Political Action Committee transferred $1,000.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
Emanuel C Welch loaned $100,001.00 to People for Emanuel Chris Welch
American Express donated $1,500.00 to Citizens for Sara Feigenholtz
ABBVIE PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Theresa Mah
INA-PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Theresa Mah
Hingino Ortega donated $2,500.00 to Friends for Nathaniel George Booker
Mike Jurusik donated $2,500.00 to Friends for Nathaniel George Booker
Suheir Williams donated $2,500.00 to Friends for Nathaniel George Booker
Friends for Moylan transferred $1,000.00 to Maine Twp Regular Democratic Org
Law Office of Samuel S. Bae donated $1,000.00 to Maine Twp Regular Democratic Org
MRCONNECTS donated $5,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Ronald M Serpico Sr. Inc
Friends of Mark Stephens transferred $2,500.00 to Citizens to Elect Ronald M Serpico Sr. Inc
Dynamic donated $5,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Ronald M Serpico Sr. Inc
IBEW Local Union 9 (Dues Check-off) donated $25,860.79 to International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers PAC
IBEW Local Union 146 (Dues Check-off) donated $2,211.00 to International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers PAC
Elgin Township Democrats transferred $1,300.00 to Kane County Democratic Central Cmte
I.B.E.W. Local 117 transferred $1,300.00 to Kane County Democratic Central Cmte
I.B.E.W. Local 196 transferred $1,300.00 to Kane County Democratic Central Cmte
Chicago Unidos In Construction donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Peter Chico for Alderman
Links Management donated $1,500.00 to Citizens for Roth
People for Anthony transferred $1,243.17 to United Neighbors of the 35th Ward
Associated Beer Distributors of IL PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Friends of Jason R Bunting
Roland Gantzert donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Jason R Bunting
J'S Automotive Shop LLC donated $2,000.00 to Friends of Jason R Bunting
Lexus Of Orland donated $2,000.00 to Keith For Mayor
AMAZON donated $1,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Anthony Beale
Cozen O'Connor donated $1,000.00 to Citizens to Elect Anthony Beale
Matt Silver donated $1,000.00 to REALTORS® Political Action Committee
815 Entertainment, LLC donated $5,000.00 to Friends to Elect Greg Jury
John Curran donated $1,000.00 to Nicole for Illinois
Brewers Distributing Co. donated $1,019.00 to Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois
Chicago Beverage System donated $7,074.00 to Associated Beer Distributors of Illinois
Walgreens donated $1,500.00 to Anderson for Illinois
Amazon.com Services LLC donated $2,000.00 to Anderson for Illinois
AGC of Illinois PAC transferred $2,000.00 to Anderson for Illinois
Fritz Kaegi donated inkind $1,089.24 to Friends for Fritz
Lawrence Nelson donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Tom Suffredin
John Theis donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Tom Suffredin
Elizabeth Boyle donated $1,500.00 to Friends of Tom Suffredin
Adam Vaught donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Tom Suffredin
Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd donated $1,250.00 to Friends for David B Guerin
Alverez & Assoc donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Rodney S Craig for Village President
Patrick Salvi donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Rodney S Craig for Village President
Storino, Ramello, & Durkin donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Rodney S Craig for Village President
Rely Servives Inc. donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Rodney S Craig for Village President
Sainath Reddivari donated $2,000.00 to Friends of Rodney S Craig for Village President
Peoples Energy, LLC donated $29,100.00 to Peoples Energy - PAC
Debra Jean Radakovich donated $1,000.00 to Zdunich for Joliet
Keith Warning donated $1,000.00 to Zdunich for Joliet
Illinois Muslim Political Action Committee transferred $1,000.00 to Citizens for Keith Larson
Tony Rosso donated $5,000.00 to Sierra Club, IL Chapter PAC
Amalgamated Transit Union Local #416 transferred $1,000.00 to Peoria County Democratic Central Cmte
IBEW - Local 34 PAC transferred $1,000.00 to Peoria County Democratic Central Cmte
Yusuf Salah donated $1,000.00 to Rashid for Illinois
Ridge & Downes donated $1,000.00 to Local 126 Non-partisan Sponsor Comm
HEALTH CARE ASSOCIATES PAC transferred $1,500.00 to Friends of Walter Burnett, Jr
Billy Parham donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Gina Meeks
Sara Dady donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Gina Meeks
Randal Loomis donated $1,000.00 to Friends of Gina Meeks
Matthew Cassidy donated $2,000.00 to Northbrook Caucus of 2025 Party
The Audi Exchange donated $5,000.00 to Citizens for Lora Vitek
St. Charles Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Ram donated $2,500.00 to Citizens for Lora Vitek
Brian Cross loaned $8,000.00 to Westchester Progress Party
Roofers & Waterproofers Local 11 PAC donated $1,500.00 to Friends of Juliana Stratton